Monday, September 29, 2008


Because apparently Hell's frozen over. Little Miss Knows Nothing over at the Bark Side seems to be having one extremely extended delusion. Are there not doctors and medications available for these types of people in and about the world, whatever country they may be in ?????

To address Sad Shit Farty Pants, I have not put screenshots up of email proof that I've been forwarded because I don't feel that emails intended for one person in private have a place in a pu
blic forum for all to see. It only serves to humiliate and embarrass the author. However, this email was passed around Groups for all to see and will be nothing new - but Sad Shit Farty Pants seems intent on seeing the proof. The screenshot of the email is as I received it. I did not add the asterisks, they were already there. Anyway, here it is:

Were you amazed? Did it excite you or do you just want your money back? Ok, so I've posted the email, what has been accomplished? Nothing. So in consideration of nothing having been accomplished, this screenshot will remain on this blog for 24 hours and then it will be taken down - more than enough time for Farty Pants to have her eyeball full and satisfy whatever delusion it is she needs to satisfy.

I haven't had the pleasure of reading any posts that Patricia has posted, nor have I received any emails from her, so I really can't state my opinion on her personality one way or the other - but Sasha, you are one very angry person. Why are you so angry? I don't even want to guess as to what the reason is as it's very difficult to delve into the demented mind.

To address the even more demented anonymous poster in my comments: Does my being associated with someone who YOU claim has stolen a $4 scrapkit really make you want to murder me? Are you so psychotic that your first instinct, when YOU perceive you've had a $4 item stolen from you, is to threaten harm against my person? I'm positive that I'm not the only focus of your anger - you're angry in general. So seriously, get some help before you follow through on your threats or lose control in another situation and you find yourself throwing your life away to spend it in the pen over something stupid (ie a $4 scrapkit). There is help available out there, I'm positive of it - all you have to do is pick up the phone (you too, Farty Pants, just pick up the phone)

Or are times so hard for you that you've got to threaten my life for $4? If so, give me a Paypal address and I'll send you $4 - no receipt or scrapkit in return needed. From my understanding, you represent all the second rate designers in any event and your scrap isn't all that much to write home about.

Besides that, I don't have the time to continue on in this stupid little cat fight that is so easy to be drawn into. As I stated in your comments, say whatever it is you want to say about me. I could care less. Assume that I'm every single anonymous post - there's nothing I can do to stop you from this assumption, so have fun with it. Assume that I'm associated with Lynne, Buffy or Pimptress - again, nothing I say will have any effect on what you think.

So you go have your fun with your virtual bitch slapping fest and leave me out of it. I'm not looking for or craving attention - if you'd stop referencing my name on your blog, people wouldn't even know about me and I'd stop getting tons of email "updating" me on your blog. I don't want these emails and I don't want to know what's on your blog - so please, anyone thinking of sending me an email to say "pssst, you should see what they're saying about you now...." just don't. I don't care about these silly girls and their stupid blog. I'm doing what I'm doing over here BY MYSELF and I'm going to continue on with that regardless of what the Bark Side says or does.

And on that note, another name to add to your ban lists:

KC Visions